Filip | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 6 likes | 1.1K views
LostBoyz, LOVE, Ulli and 3 others like this!
I first tried to get this effect with the Clip.cfx effect.
But, it's easier to do roughly the same with Bender.cfx.
This is the video, and if you're curious how I did it, I added the total show.
And followed the advice of Michiel to use directional light for shadow.
Normally I don't play with the light options so this time I added also Ambient light.
The zip file is also updated.
Nice V shape!
But where are the shadows? Realize that shadow maps have no problems with morph effects, including the Text\Bender effect!
But you do have to switch to a directional light because shadow maps can't handle point lights.
michiel, 3 years ago
Thnx Michiel good tip. This is why we have/are a community. I'll change it directly.
Filip, 3 years ago
Thnx Ulli.
Filip, 3 years ago