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Filip | 4 years ago | 5 comments | 699 views

Is it possible to create a dustcloud with BT? (See video)

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This comes close from Artist:Thor5ten

It's a filmstrip animation with Sphere cap Style and displacementmap.cfx on it.

I would suggest to make the images gayscale and highlight it to get less contrast so you can set with colour property the colour you want.

komies, 4 years ago

Thnx komies.
I'm trying also to work with the clourmap. It's not the same, but it comes close.

Filip, 4 years ago

I like this one better. The colourmap is a great feature!
My hope is on a improved version of the particle layer (fingers crossed...)...but in the meantime it will do.

And....there is still al lot to learn about the particle layer.....

Filip, 4 years ago

Maybe this installer template can get you started:

You could also try this one. Colour the explosion textures in a paint app or use the COLOUR props:

michiel, 4 years ago

Thnx Michiel...I'm always trying to reinventing the wheel.

The Particle\ is a good one to begin with, it looks a promissing.

Filip, 4 years ago

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