Filip | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 7 likes | 979 views
michiel, PAT67, Tintin and 4 others like this!
Sometimes I get inspired by a piece of 3d text art on the internet. And I think: Can I remake something like this ( ). Well it's not easy.
But this is the result. Not as good as the original, I think. But it will do.
Filip, your video is private.
To create this style, use the ProceduralTextures\Chrome effect.
michiel, 4 years ago
Thnx. Made it public. Thnx for the advice. Shall try-out this effect.
Filip, 4 years ago
@Michiel oh...can't use chrome effect. I'm using \AscenderBender.cfx already. Impossible to use two effects. ?
Filip, 4 years ago
The ProceduralTextures\Chrome effect does nothing more than generating a cubemap.
The Text\AscenderBender effect accepts a cubemap in its 2nd texture slot. Use a DDS file or point to a cubemap layer.
michiel, 4 years ago