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seande | 4 years ago | 2 comments | 593 views

Can someone help me I am trying to attach a particle to a picture but I only want it to show for a second or so. I have tried using the transparency but that fade I dont want that I want it just to flash really quick like the flame particle effect or sparkles. I hope this is possible

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I think you are looking for the EMISSION and LIFETIME properties of the particle layer.

The EMISSION prop sets the number of particles that are emitted per second.

The LIFETIME prop sets the duration of every particle in seconds.

For a short flash of particles, animate the EMISSION prop in a very short time from 0 to a high value and back again to 0. This requires 3 keys. The LIFETIME prop does not have to be animated, but use it to set the time the emitted particles are visible.

michiel, 4 years ago

Thank you Michael you explained it very clear I think I got it

seande, 4 years ago

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