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Filip | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 9 likes | 2.8K views

Thor5ten, LostBoyz, Ulli and 6 others like this!

Test with Blufftitler 13

WavingInTheWind.cfx (tree and text)

Blufftitler 13=Awesome

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Tip: don't forget the FX SKY SIZE property of the skybox layer.

michiel, 8 years ago


Thnx. Is it possible to attach a pacticle layer to a special position of a picture layer.

To attach the dust paticles to the bike is difficult and not accurate.

Filip, 8 years ago

With the LAUNCH COLOUR and LAUNCH COLOUR TOLERANCE properties of the particle layer you can emit the particles only from a specific range of colours. For example, only from the black parts of your bike.

michiel, 8 years ago

Love it Flilip.

Dani, 8 years ago

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