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Filip | a year ago | 15 comments | 6 likes | 510 views

Tintin, Decentralized, Thor5ten and 3 others like this!

Again a little extra detail added to an old show.

Bix is now a tourist with a camera.

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Nice, but I think adding shadow would integrate Bix even more into the landscape.

vincent, a year ago

Great idea Vincent

Filip, a year ago

Shadows used to be automatic, didn't they? Now you have to remember to turn them on, which is fine but I always forget,lol

Decentralized, a year ago

So cute, how he walks in and snaps some photos. The scene looks really alive.

Thor5ten, a year ago

Haha! Well done!

michiel, a year ago

Thnx all. I regret to say, but I can't get the shadow at the right place.

Filip, a year ago

Super. Bix va devenir un grand voyageur !

le beau jojo, a year ago

Un BIX photographe c'est une première.
Filip envoi moi le cliché pris par BIX 🤣

PAT67, a year ago

Filip, maybe there is a solution with a fake shadow adding a clone of the Bix layer but colored with black + a bit transparency, smaller size and with a slightly shifted position and try

vincent, a year ago

That's possible. Let's try it! Thnx Vincent

Filip, a year ago


It works best using the PROJECTED SHADOWS ON FLOOR style of the light layer. This way you do not need a plane for the shadows to fall on.

Set the background picture/video to 3D IN BACKGROUND.

For the light layer properties, use something like this:
DIRECTION: 242, 200, 121

In this screenshot I used a collection of GLB aliens:

The URLs can easily be collected in the MODELS tab of the <Ctrl><F1> dialog.

michiel, a year ago

Vincent and Michiel thnx. Learned a lot. Both methods worked.

Filip, a year ago

Filip, do you think that Bix knows that he's an alien? I don't think so lol!

IntroChamp, a year ago

IntroChamp I think he is to long amongst us and is humanizing.

Filip, a year ago

Bix as a photographer. What a beautiful idea.

Ulli, a year ago

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