Filip | 6 years ago | 9 comments | 6 likes | 1.8K views

persiana, Kanon, Franco Aversa and 3 others like this!

@Michiel:Why is the back not as good as the front?
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maravillosas letras de circuitos
muchas gracias filip

persiana, 6 years ago

Filip your solution is better than mine in a previous post because you don't use sketch so, it is easily cutomizable.
The problem on bolts is due i think to distortions that brings displacement effect.
In my opinion i think a great solution would be to have the possibility to attach text (symbols font for bolts) to a text layer as we can attach text to a sketch (opt: follow sketch), michiel, do you think that would be possible in a next version ?

vincent, 6 years ago

Filip, fantástico espectáculo. Gracias por compartir.

Jesus, 6 years ago

Because the light discs are single sided: the back is invisible. No reason not to make them double sided, but that's how it works in the current version. Thank you for your request!

You also use a normal photo (colour map) as a displacement map, which rarely works. Remember that displacement mapping use the red component of the texture as the displacement factor (its height).

I replaced the AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap effect by the Lightened effect and set the 3rd slider of the DECORATION SIZE prop to 2.6. I think this is easier and looks better!

michiel, 6 years ago

Vincent, conceptually the best way would probably be to activate the textbox in the sketch layer. This way you can import an outline of a text as a sketch. Thanks for the suggestion!

michiel, 6 years ago

Filip sharing is caring !

snafu, 6 years ago

Would be great, looking forward to it. Thanks michiel.
Snafu, since 8 years you are member here why yourself have never shared one show????

vincent, 6 years ago

Thank you all.
@Michiel I tried the show with the Light bulbs and it works quit well. It gives a 3d ish look wich works for screws. Not so good for bolds.

Filip, 6 years ago

Vincent, I don't do many shows, I usually make family movies, and very basic, and sometimes use the ideas shown by some of you.
So that, I am very grateful seeing your works here; in the other hand I have no too much time to experience with Blufftitler and I am amazed with the possibilities of this application.

snafu, 6 years ago

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