Filip | 2 years ago | 7 comments | 12 likes | 695 views
vincent, Alex-Raymond T., chaver and 9 others like this!
The new BluffTitler version 16.1 is awesome.
Very cool. I was surprise to realize just how many body parts can have an SX target. So fun. I figured out a trick. When you animate a ready me player model with mixamo it no longer can open it's mouth. So you shrink the head of the animated one, and shrink the body of the ready me player one, and put that head on. So now yo have a talking animation the way you want it.
Decentralized, 2 years ago
Ca rend l'avancé de la tête et le pointé du doigt plus réaliste. super Philippe.
le beau jojo, 2 years ago
Super marrant !... Mais je préviens: si tu m'bouffes , tu crèves ! et dans la douleur !
Super funny!... But I warn you: if you eat me, you die! and in pain!
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago