michiel | 18 years ago | 15 comments | 9 likes | 8.3K views
Vung Doan, abcodie, Jenny and 5 others like this!
This animation rotates the letters individually like the wheels on a fruit machine.
Thanks to Mike for the idea!
Great, and thank you for the really quick help. I particularly like the Damped version. Matches my original thought perfectly. Another thought-how easy would it be to have two rows of wheels, LAS centered above VEGAS, so that a spacer wheel is not needed?
Love playing with this programme.
mikey3061, 18 years ago
it is very good and wonderful
james nahar, 18 years ago
Every wheel is a layer. If you want to remove the spacer wheel simply delete layer 7.
And if you want to move LAS, simply move layers 4,5 and 6.
michiel, 18 years ago
Great effect. Using this concept I altered it to have two words by having 2 letters on each wheel. It spins the first time and stops on the first word and then spins again and stops on the second word. This is for a video I'm doing about Chicago so I changed the pictures to Chicago landmarks and then mixed up the placement of the letters so each time it stops you see different pictures instead of having them all lined up.
The damper effect adds to the realism and I even have a couple wheels that pause one space off and then slip into the right spot just like a real slot does to you :)
kf_daddy, 18 years ago
Hi Michiel,
This file was working very well but since i have uodated Bluff Titler it works strangely, i don't see all wheels. (idem for the 3 files). tell me what's wrong. Thanks in advance
vincent, 18 years ago
There's nothing fancy going on here, it's just 9 rotating picture layers in CYLINDER mode.
Which wheels are invisible?
Have you tried downloading the animation again?
Any error messages?
michiel, 18 years ago
Hi Michiel, I see the 1st wheel, a small part of 2nd and nothing else. It is strange because one month ago it was working, and i have created an animation on the same principe. It is when i used it few days ago that i saw there was a problem. so i tried your original project and ... same problem.Maybe a problem with my video card but i have no updated drivers since more than one month. If you want i can send you a rendered sample.
vincent, 17 years ago
Hi Michiel, if i force light i see all wheels but except the 1st whell all other have the color of the light, it's a little difficult to explain (my poor english!!!!). i think i have a problem with my matox video card .....
vincent, 17 years ago
What happens when you:
-select layer 4
-flag the ALL LAYERS checkbox
-press the CHANGE EFFECT button and select NotLightened.fx?
michiel, 17 years ago
Hi Michiel when i select notLightened.fx for each wheel layer it's ok i see all wheels, just a little surexposed light but it works. What's wrong ?
thanks in advance.
vincent, 17 years ago
There's nothing wrong. When selecting the notlightened.fx lighting is turned off and everything is equally bright.
What happens when you select the Lightened.fx effect?
michiel, 17 years ago
When all my wheel layers have notlightened.fx it's ok as i told you in my previous post.
The test you asked me :
If apply lightened effect on layer6 (s) the wheel is darker and seems smaller but it's ok i see it, then if i apply lightened on layer5 (a) -> darker but ok (as previous case), then if i apply lightened on layer4 (l) the layer4 is darker as previous cases but the 2nd wheel (layer5) disappears !!! and layer5 come again if i re-apply notlightened on layer4.
Very strange... What i don't understand is why i never had this problem before.
vincent, 17 years ago
Ernst i think you are right, it's time to me to change my video card, i think i will buy NVIDIA geForce 6800 gt, do you know if this card exists with PCI Express bus ? or maybe can i have your advice for some good vidieo cards (< $350).
Anyway thanks to all for your support.
vincent, 17 years ago
Hi Ernst,
If i clear effect (using F9) i see the 1st whell a small part of 2nd, a small par of 7th and the entire 8th. Doing tests this week-end with a new show i saw that i have similiar problems using some effect ans moving some properties. I have dowloaded Bix photo book and when i try to change effect i have a message wich saids that my card is not enough powerful for effect use because it doesn't support pixel shader 2.0. I think this message confirms it is a problem from my video card.
vincent, 17 years ago
Hi Ernst,
I use a matrox special driver
called ' HF BETA DX9' (apr 2006)
I tried many other drivers but the plasma effects do not work with them. I wrote to matox few months ago but i never had a response. never i will buy in future a matrox product because their support is innexistant i wrote in Canada, France and UK without any response.
vincent, 17 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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