NextPreviousHomeGrass Valley HQX codec

michiel | 3 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 768 views

gato@mo, Alex-Raymond T. and LOVE like this!

Grass Valley offers a nice codec pack that can be downloaded here:

The encoder can be used in BluffTitler when:
-choosing the menu item FILE > EXPORT AS VIDEO...
-marking the COMPRESSED AVI checkbox

The encoder shows up in 3 versions:
-Grass Valley HQ
-Grass Valley HQ Encoder
-Grass Valley HQX

The 2nd, Grass Valley HQ Encoder, does not support an alpha channel. The other ones do.

The puzzling thing is that the installer only comes with a 64 bits version of the Grass Valley HQ Encoder. The only one that does NOT support an alpha channel! Because BluffTitler is a 64 bits app since version 15, this means that the Grass Valley codec can no longer be used to create transparent videos.

Does anybody know what's happening here?

Is there a secret setting hidden somewhere to make it generate transparent videos in a 64 bits app?

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Je suis certain que quelqu'UN quelque part t'apportera la solution. Je le souhaite. Pour ma part, je vous souhaite une Bonne & Heureuse Année 2022 remplie de joies et de bonheur et aussi la solution du Codex.

Eddy, 3 years ago

Michiel, I did some tests and I come to the same conclusion as you, the transparent background is not generated with Grass Valley HQ Encoder, although in the documentation it is well specified:

Maybe we should contact them?

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Well, I came here trying to find "the reason" as well. The "Grass Valley" Codec creates files at least half or even a third smaller than a Huffy with alpha so it's much better. Currently my Magix Vegas ver. 19 exports a Grass Valley encoded file fine with transparency but BluffTitler will not ;(

WasJuggler, 2 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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