Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 10 comments | 10 likes | 749 views
Ulli, PAT67, Decentralized and 7 others like this!
As suggested by other members here: a real fight should end with an explosion. Now there aren't fighting two bots against each other, but two space tanks. Ending in a big kaboom. 😁 Laser bolts attached to animated glb model joints. Submodel explosion with particle trails complements the animation made with BT 16.
Great battle. Love the explosion!
Filip, 2 years ago
The exploding walker with looks amazing!
Please do not forget to zoom in on the models and to move/rotate the camera. This fully exploits the power and possibilities of animated 3D models and makes the viewer part of the world rather than looking at a stage.
michiel, 2 years ago
Thank you, everyone! Michiel, that's a great suggestion. Camera movement could give it the final touch.
Thor5ten, 2 years ago