Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 13 comments | 10 likes | 640 views
Ulli, LostBoyz, Decentralized and 7 others like this!
The base of the show is a rollercoaster example. The animated GLB plane follows the invisible sketch. Attached to one of the plane's model joints is a bold stunt pilot waving at the audience.
Great trick!
Did you keyframe the camera? It can be automated with the TARGET LAYER prop of the camera layer. This keeps the camera looking at another layer. But maybe that's too perfect and an imperfect cameraman makes the video more realistic 😉
michiel, 2 years ago
Thank you all.
Michiel, that was exactly my thinking. It should look like there's to much action to follow it perfectly. Accelerate and decelerate did add to the camera lag, too.
Thor5ten, 2 years ago
Thank you le beau jojo, IntroChamp and LostBoyz.
le beau jojo, it really should look like the stunt you mentioned.
Thor5ten, 2 years ago