NextPreviousHomeOld Key | Beta 12 ColourmapNormalmapReflectionmap Effect

Thor5ten | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 5 likes | 2.2K views

vincent, Jeep35, Dani and 2 others like this!

Sadly had no inspiration in some time now. This should make up for the lack of ideas. Not entirely done in BluffTitler as you can easily point out. But the core of the animation, the textured revolving key and particles are straight out of Bluff. I most definitely could have done the lens flares with BT, too, but was a little lazy and threw the footage at HitFilm 2 for finishing touches. Strangly the title wasn't done in BT either O_O. I used PowerPoint (!) instead, because I drafted it at my dayjob.

I was really pleased by the Beta 12 ColourmapNormalmapReflectionmap effect. Made this old key really look outstanding in no time!

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Nice show,keep doing Thor5ten, love it.

Dani, 9 years ago

Very nice!

Sascha Theel, 9 years ago

Super, key is very realistic.

vincent, 9 years ago

A big thanks to all of you!

Thor5ten, 9 years ago

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