NextPreviousHomeBix' furry friend

Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 845 views

liuyongcai, komies, Decentralized and 6 others like this!

Inspired by Omer's recent furry creations, here's Bix's furry friend trying to be cool. Separated the submodels of the GLB file using CTRL+U. The shirt and the little guy are one submodel, so I've accessed the texture like described here: and made the shirt transparent for the fur effect's colour map which I've applied on a duplicated version (as always play with depth bias) of his body. To the shirt texture I've added a well-known logo. I've made the teeth more specular and added a glow to the drop. The mirroring bottom, shadows and an animated glowing title are completing the show.

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Filip, 2 years ago

Nice way to pimp a GLB Model!

michiel, 2 years ago

The glow in combination with the Text\RainbowText effect works great!

michiel, 2 years ago

Good use of the various effects.

vincent, 2 years ago

Masterly! I've been looking for a way to do that. Thank you! Great job!

Omer, 2 years ago


LostBoyz, 2 years ago

y como haz agregado lo peludo porfa

jolosan64, 2 years ago

porfa como hicistes para hacerlo peludo .gracias

jolosan64, 2 years ago

Very funny ! and very interesting from a technical point of view. Thanks for the tips and sharing.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Jolosan64, I've posted an example show here:

Thank you all for your friendly comments! 😀

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

This is very funny. I like the glowing text.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Looks incredible.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

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