Thor5ten | a year ago | 15 comments | 11 likes | 757 views
vincent, Tintin, Ulli and 8 others like this!
Went back to the roots and made a title card. Made my first roughness/metallic map and included it in the download. This texture is nice for shiny scratches. Finally added some flying fire embers for drama. Soft shadows complete the scene.
Très belles lettres. Merci
Eddy, a year ago
One remark: the particle layer can be removed from the shadow map: mark the NEVER CAST SHADOWS checkbox in the LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... dialog. This increases the speed and quality of the shadows. Press <F2> to see the dramatic difference in the shadow maps.
michiel, a year ago
What's a Shadow Map.
I see some shows have soft shadows. I'm not sure how to achieve that.
lightads, a year ago
Finalmente un ritorno alle origini, motivo per cui comprai BF per uso come titolatrice. Bravo
Grazie per la condivisione.
nonnogio, a year ago
Great Thorsten, love the fire particles!
Filip, a year ago
Lightads, use the SHADOW SOFTNESS property of the light layer to make the shadows soft.
The installer comes with a demo:
Here's the user guide:
michiel, a year ago
Thank you all for your friendly comments!
And thanks Michiel for your always very welcome tips to boost performance to the max. Didn't know that before.
Thor5ten, a year ago