Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 7 comments | 8 likes | 794 views
Dave S, PAT67, LostBoyz and 5 others like this!
Ever wanted to drop out of warp 90s Star Trek style?
You'll never guess, how I've achieved this effect. Surely particles are involved. And it looks like trails, but once a particle is "born" you can't shorten its trail. Take a look in the enclosed show. It's truly a furry surprise. ;-)
Mega deceleration @8:00 sec!!! impressive journey in the stars. Great show Thor5ten, thank you.
vincent, 2 years ago
So you're using a colourmap as a furmap? I don't believe I fully understand what's happening here, but it sure looks great!
I wonder, is it possible to make it respond to the audio, similar to this Komies show? Maybe that could make a nice VJ effect!
michiel, 2 years ago
Thank you all!
Michiel, the transparency setting on the colourmap makes the background invisible, so the particles can work as a furmap, growing hairs on the opaque points. Warping is then just a thing of growing or shrinking those hairs.
Tried the VJ layer with a fixed sinus beat on the attached show and spiced it up with a little color here:
Thor5ten, 2 years ago