NextPreviousHomeDon't fire phasers in the Badlands | Model Jumble

Thor5ten | 3 years ago | 9 comments | 10 likes | 1.1K views

PAT67, gato@mo, Ulli and 7 others like this!

Finally had time to get a Star Trek related show coupled with the jumble feature on a pre-fractured 3D model. The trails are a really nice addition. I just took the demo show and changed the model and some other parameters like the explosion sprite texture.

Fracturing the model was quite easy. I didn't use automatic fracturing. This often messes up the textures. I used an old technique: In a 3D modelling software I selected polygons, split them and added the split part to the same file as a new "submodel". Sounds complicated, but I watched an easy to understand tutorial video on YT beforehand:

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Great intro with beautilful laser and very realistic explosion, a great work!

vincent, 3 years ago

Wow great explosion, love it!

Filip, 3 years ago

Super explosions !!! bien vu et merci pour les informations et le lien.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Impressionnante déflagration !

PAT67, 3 years ago

Me gustan los efectos y como los usás, reflexiones, explosiones, colores, todo está muy bien

gato@mo, 3 years ago

Well actually🤓
You can use phazers in the Badlands just in a low setting to keep the beam temperature under 1500 kelvin otherwise you would indeed ignite the plasma. 🖖

Just kidding, great use of the new feature Thor5ten.

komies, 3 years ago

Thank you all for your likes and your nice comments.

Komies, the security officer who fired the phaser must have missed the memo. He was firing as hot as one can make them. ;-)

Thor5ten, 3 years ago

Great explosion, I like it.

Ulli, 3 years ago

Really great to see the JUMBLE prop in action!

michiel, 3 years ago

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