Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 12 comments | 6 likes | 1.1K views
michiel, LostBoyz, Decentralized and 3 others like this!
Took one of the example shows and made the sphere a solid plane, rotated the reflection to get a refracting sheet of glass. I could have done this with a mirror, too. But I found the glass refraction more sexy. ;-) Oh, and changed EZ in for Bix, so he didn't get hurt on the sharp edges of the shards. EZ's metal head can take it, I guess. :-)
Can anyone tell, that I love the new fragment explosion?
Bellissimo, lo specchio che esplode è molto realistico
nonnogio, 2 years ago
Another great idea!
Notice that you can get the reflections in the fragments right by fine-tuning the POSITION prop of the cubemap layer.
michiel, 2 years ago
Thank you for this feature.
Would it be possible to add 'Gravity' property to the explosion so that we can control the particle direction?
lightads, 2 years ago
Brilliant addition to the effects library. I love the "Bullet Time" at the end.
This will add many options to our shows.
lightads, 2 years ago