Thor5ten | 10 years ago | 9 comments | 11 likes | 3.9K views
IntroChamp, kayserhans, LostBoyz and 8 others like this!
Why did it take me until the year 2015 to discover BluffTitler? :-) It is the first 3D software which is a real joy to play with.
In these days my arsenal consists mainly of Cinema 4D, After Effects, and HitFilm. C4D is nice for modelling, AE does a good compositing job, but with both the endless rendertime is killing the fun for me. HitFilm is in its realtime approach very similar to BluffTitler, but even on my stronger machine it's quite laggy. And I've considered myself always a titler guy - one of the weaknesses of HitFilm.
Now I sit in front of my old machine from 2006 and can animate my butt off without limitations to my creativity and my time. I really dig, that everything is within one unified 3D space.
After playing for about a week with BluffTitler I've created a little compilation of "Star Trek: Enterprise" related flybys all completely animated in BluffTitler culminating in a nice little title. For me it's just "Bluff". It does superb titles, but this software is capable of so much more. Thank you!
Great first posting.
Yes I also feel that ENTERPRISE was 3 seasons too short like TNG, DS9 and Voyager it deserved 7 seasons. I really mis a good sci fi in space series, Like Star Trek.
komies, 10 years ago
Live long and Prosper!
maxste, 10 years ago
Thor5sten, soon you will be a new champion within the BT league. I've got a feeling.
kayserhans, 10 years ago
I'm trying to integrate 4D models such as the Enterprise into some of the new Bix Pack 20 templates but I understand the meshes need to be converted to *.obj to work. Can anyone direct me on how to convert specific objects models to use in BluffTitler?
onetake7, 8 years ago
Until now, version 12.3 it needs to be in directx .x model.
I use blender, it is free but also large for just converting.
You need to follow the link to make it work with .x
Tip do not use to large, or to detailed models
Put the model in a container. (Attach layer)
Use colormapreflectionmap.cfx on the model, the skin texture as colourmap, and a reflectionmap and adjust the colors and reflection factor to your licking.
Animate the container of the model to your liking, when this is done:
Use Ctrl-U, this will separate the model in sub-models THIS IS NOT REVERSABLE!
Now you can fine tune with color, reflection and maybe a different texture, this is now possible per sub-model.
Can't wait to see your video here in the community.
komies, 8 years ago
Thanks so much, KOMIES. Ugh, its so hard to get specifics sometimes. I'll post when completed. Thanks again.
onetake7, 8 years ago