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Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 9 comments | 10 likes | 762 views

komies, Ulli, Decentralized and 7 others like this!

The support of emissive texture glow, ambient occlusion as well as roughness maps combined with specularity, cubemaps, lightning and Tilt-shift effect add a whole new quality to the visual output. Not to forget the possibility to add extruded text to a GLB model joint.

Model used:

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Credit must be given to the Khronos Group for creating the "JPEG of 3D":

The techniques existed for a long time, but it took a well-documented, standardized 3D model format to make it all easy to use. After recognizing this, BluffTitler only had to support the standard!

Oh, and your show looks G.R.E.A.T.!

michiel, 2 years ago

This model looks a lot of better with the new BT possiblilities, I had tried this model in the past it appeared much duller. Thor5ten, Congratulations for the show and congrats to michiel for the great enhancements of BT.

vincent, 2 years ago

Thank you both!

Michiel, you're way too modest. They might have invented it, but you made it accessible!

Vincent, exactly I've tried it before and it wasn't too great.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Looks fantastic.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

Fantastic show!

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Great show, love it.

Filip, 2 years ago

Looks very beautiful.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Thanks everyone!

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

GLOW... Ing intro...Good job Thor5ten...

Dani, 2 years ago

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