NextPreviousHomeStar Trek: Picard | Squoodgy fur, hair and animation made with BT

Thor5ten | 4 years ago | 11 comments | 9 likes | 1.3K views

vincent, Ulli, liuyongcai and 6 others like this!

Squoodgy, the stuffed animal from a "Picard" series regular was love on first sight for me. I made the 3D model with Paint3D. Used a kinda unusual fur map and was inspired by the "Hairy" thread from Filip here:

The walk cycle, moving its body, legs and ears was entirely done with several slight VJ effects on rotation and position with no keyframes. I'm pretty late discovering this universal beast of a tool - really powerful and an animator's dream come true.

Just the finishing touches, like cutting and chromatic aberration were done outside of BT.

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Thorsten, you went where noboby has gone B4.

Devils Advocate's Question:

Has ST: Picard the best first season of any Star Trek series?

komies, 4 years ago


vincent, 4 years ago

Thank you, Komies and Vincent.

To your question: Yes, it's the best first ST season, and such a warm feeling seeing Picard's old comrades. But at the end gave the good story buildup slightly away with a hastily put together finale. But still, the best and I'm really wanting more.

Thor5ten, 4 years ago

Well done, Thor5ten, and long live Squoodgy!

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

muy bien Thor

persiana, 4 years ago

WOW, the hair works really great!

The model, textures, hair, fonts, particles, shadows, texts, colours all work together very well. Great presentation!

michiel, 4 years ago

A big thanks to all of you.

Michiel, it's your software that makes something like that possible! I struggle with most of 3D related apps, but BT is always a joy to work with. All your hard work is really appreciated.

Thor5ten, 4 years ago

Squoodgy is very cute. ?

Ulli, 4 years ago

Very lovely.

Franco Aversa, 4 years ago

Thorsten it's a lovely creature.

Filip, 4 years ago

Création originale et très plaisante

PAT67, 4 years ago

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