Thor5ten | 7 years ago | 7 comments | 12 likes | 2.8K views
vincent, LostBoyz, MrGruntHunter and 9 others like this!
Going back even further to the "Undiscovered Country" opening scene, where the Klingon moon Praxis explodes and ignites a spectacular shockwave.
This is a pretty economic effect. There are three of the built-in circle.eps in the scene. Two are set to tubular round. The one directly around the moon is set to horizontally revolved. I've animated only the font size to get bigger loops over the course of the show. Attached are several particle layers. Oh, and the moon itself is a period-sign of Times New Roman.
Great, Thorsten
The one with two Kirks, I can't believe I kissed you. Must have been your lifelong ambition.
Just an observation, would the ring.eps with invisible.cfx not look better because of the larger surface?
komies, 7 years ago
Great explosion wave!
Filip, 7 years ago
Thanks for all your kind comments.
Komies, great idea, but I already tried to have a larger ring with longer particle lifetime and time dilation. It results in more particles which to me looked repetitive. When I made the particles larger it looked bloated. I tried more turbulence, variation, etc. So I settled on this compromise. In the end it's a matter of taste, I think. But nevertheless, thanks again for your input.
Thor5ten, 7 years ago