michiel | 8 years ago | 7 comments | 7.7K views
Here's a question we received by e-mail. Can anybody help?
I am currently evaluating BluffTitler and so far am greatly impressed!
However, one thing I will need to do is to import 3D models and would appreciate your help. This is what I've done so far:
1. Viewed the helpful video at outerspace-software.com... However, this is now somewhat out of date as it shows an old version of Sketchup and old paths for the 3D Rad exporter.
2. Downloaded Sketchup Make 2016 from sketchup.com.
3. As there seemed to be no generic export to DirectX, after much searching I located the 3DRadExporter here: rhin.crai.archi.fr...
4. Copied it to C:Users(Username)AppDataRoamingSketchUpSketchUp 2016SketchUpPlugins.
5. Opened Sketchup and the Extensions menu option appeared at the top.
6. Grabbed a model from the 3D Warehouse (File > 3D Warehouse > Get Models).
7. Imported the model, selected it and then went Extensions > 3D Rad > Export as generic DirectX file (including backfaces).
8. The exporter confirmed successful export but no file was created.
I'm using Windows 10 with DirectX Version 11.2.
I realise that Sketchup and the 3D Rad exporter are not your products but I'm sure many users of BluffTitler would like to import 3D models and would benefit from any suggestions.
Many thanks for any help you can offer.
Estoy usando Sketchup 8 con 3D Rad, no tengo ningún problema con archivos X. Windows 8.
crispin, 8 years ago
I haven't used version Make 2016, and the 3dradexporter is no longer a plugin on the sketchup site.
But I did see this Exporter: LIPID OBJ Exporter for SketchUp, from here you can then convert it to .X format with this free converter online:
Alternatively: just go to the 3dwarehouse site: 3dwarehouse.sketchup.com...
and download it as Collada file and then convert it in de Online Converter.
Personally I would not use Sketchup models, most are very low and simple 3d models and try to find models on sites like TurboSquid.com
Many models for free and most you may use in your video to share, but not the model it self.
Good luck, and try to enjoy the experience of trail and error because the finished result can be very satisfactory when everything falls into place.
komies, 8 years ago
I'm also a Blufftitler rookie that wanted to use 3D models with SketchUp and 3D Rad. I ran into the missing X-Files, but you might not have to call Mulder and Scully just yet.
I downloaded and installed SketchUp 2016 v16.1.1449 64bit and 3D Rad onto my 8.1 Graphics PC. I went through my first test of converting a model from the warehouse and saved it to my desktop. Program said it completed, but no file to be found. I tried a second time with a different model and selected a different folder in a public file. Again it said it completed, but no X-File.
While I first considered Alien abduction, I also recalled that the window that opened after 3D Rad analyzed the model defaulted to the Documents folder, so I took a look there. Sure enough, both the X-Files were there, and next to each was an .skp SketchUp Model File with the same name.
I then copied that model X-File to my Windows 10 Video Editor PC where I have Blufftitler. The model imported into the program without any problem.
So you might want to check your documents folder, or go back to SketchUp and find the default folder in your popup window, and check there. Or just do a search on your drive for the file, because the truth is the X-Files are out there... somewhere.
SparkyVegas, 8 years ago
Hey, I had problems in the past with some saved .x files from sketchup, komies put me on to a great website which he has linked above "greentoken" anytime I have a problem with a .x file all I do is run it through it's .x converter and everything works the way it should.
tayla, 8 years ago
I have never asked as I guessed if you wanted to install it you would have.
But seeing this that would be awesome to know.
I use pixelsquid.com great site but alas no plug in.
Seems to follow the HAIL ADOBE belief LOL I have CS2 .....but well you know.
Help the first person but would love to see if others know how to work a plug in into BT.
johnsolar283, 8 years ago
What a fantastic Community this is! My thanks to everyone who responded, especially with so much helpful detail.
@SparkyVegas. I did indeed find the X-Files under a dusty tarpaulin in Area 51, cleverly disguised as my Documents folder! Many thanks.
@komies. Thanks for the great tips re the greentoken & turbosquid sites.
So, for the benefit of others, all the steps 1-7 in my email above work great - just had to find the .x files in my Documents folder. They then import into BluffTitler correctly.
Thanks again all & cheers from Australia.
ChrisLinx, 8 years ago
@ChrisLinx Great! You're X-Files mystery is solved! But I imagine these unusual Area 51 disappearances should be expected after installing a program from "Outerspace Software," that has an alien mascot model.
SparkyVegas, 8 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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