agpvn | 8 years ago | 14 comments | 8 likes | 2.8K views
maxste, michiel, Dani and 5 others like this!
I especially like the dirt colourmap and normalmap. Which software have you used to create those textures?
michiel, 8 years ago
Big question is how to create those textures. My favorite texture tool is Filter Forge. I am very interested to learn which tools you use. Yes I know you use Photoshop, but the question is which plugins/external tools?
michiel, 8 years ago
Spectacular work! I like your version of the Juno logo more than NASA's. Yours looks more realistic. Thanks for the template.
Thor5ten, 8 years ago
I was just wondering.
I have Pro and my bottom tool bar does not contain all the tools I see here.
Am I not set up right did I need to turn on some that I did not?
johnsolar283, 8 years ago
The bigger the tool window, the more buttons are visible. So all you have to do is to resize the tool window with your mouse.
...or use a bigger monitor if it's already max size.
michiel, 8 years ago
Blufftitler Templates Free Download:
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