michiel | 10 years ago | 6 comments | 3 likes | 3.2K views
BillyJack, Pixelpanther and liuyongcai like this!
3D models can be huge, very small or placed at weird locations.
To make it easier to use (and switch between) 3D models, BluffTitler normalizes them: all 3D models have the same size and are perfectly centred.
Due to a bug, very detailed 3D models (with more than 65.534 triangles) were not correctly normalized. This is fixed in version (lauched today).
This bugfix however breaks old shows using such detailed models. Fortunately this is rare. But had to be fixed. To make them play the same we have added functonality to turn off normalizing specific models:
Press CONTROL F2 and add the filesname of your model to the list.
This effectively simulates the old bug in order to stay compatible.
Thanks Michiel, I ran into this before....nice fix and it appears to work well.
An observation, in the previous version if you overwrote a model (using the same filename) whilst working and then loaded, Bluff would load the new model keeping the old instance on screen.
Have just tried an overwrite and when Bluff loads the model it maintains the 'OLD' model if that model is still in use on-screen. Clearing all instances of that model, then loading forces the new geometry.
Might be something to bear in mind for those updating geometry flipping back and forth from 3d software to BluffTitler. Took me a few minutes to figure out what was happening.
A small change in workflow, i.e. delete the model or rename the altered one when saving versions, i.e model1.x, model1a.x etc is an easy fix, I'm assuming this new version of Bluff is locking the geometry of the model via a cache pertaining to filename perhaps? (instancing?)
Pixelpanther, 10 years ago
Thanks, Michiel (for the update), and Bob, for the input. I had come to the conclusion it was a "iMac thing" and was very frustrated with trying to use models with BT So much so, in fact, that I've been spending more time learning to create 3D scenes in Blender. Vers will assuage the issue!!
jmarkt, 10 years ago
Thanks Jmarkt,
Worth giving Wings 3D a mention as it is a quick topology based CAD program (and it's free!), less clutter than Blender and a fast environment to completely model or indeed base model and export to blender for more advanced work that Blender can do.
A lot of the time, we need stuff compatible with the DirectX environment for BT though and sometimes that means Blender is a HUGE sledgehammer to crack a small nut :)
Only Caveat to Wings 3D is its strange .x output (Which reverses axis on import to BT) which Michiel helped find a solution to. After finishing the model you have to scale the x axis to -100% then invert it and do any UV mapping.
Been playing with this and I'm liking it a lot for fast usable results...
Pixelpanther, 10 years ago
Good to learn about a new 3D modeling app!
It would be great if someone could create a quick "from Wings 3D to BluffTitler" tutorial, like Metin did for Blender.
michiel, 10 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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