michiel | 12 years ago | 22 comments | 7 likes | 10.8K views
maitegras, LostBoyz, IBMedia and 4 others like this!
Here's another example of an online show generator. Next to the videowall effect it now also features cylinder and sphere effects.
If you would like to use the generated show it works best to save it with the menu item FILE > SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES... After that you can replace the pictures by choosing EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES...
Maybe we can add functionality that automatically adds your Facebook, Twitter or Flickr photos!
Great tool.
You can create a superb starting point for a show using this, and then quickly customise it.
Many thanks for that, Michiel.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Michiel, as you continue to make the job easier. I stay out of work ;-}
maitegras, 12 years ago
Michiel - Not sure if this emanated from my request last week, but it's a perfect start for my project!!!
jmarkt, 12 years ago
Hi Michiel
Could you add a flat wall option?
That would also be very useful.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Or maybe you could allow us to vary the "circle" of the video wall?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
I figured out a way to achive a flat wall or a variation in the "circle" of the video wall.
You just need to vary the third slider on the SIZE property of the container of the wall.
A setting of 0.01 for the 3rd slider gives a flat wall.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
That seemed like a way to do a flat wall, but unfortunately the images on the wall are rotated to follow the "circle" of the wall.
So using the "size" property of the container to flatten the wall has the effect of making the images at the sides of the wall distorted.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Flat option has been added.
If possible it would be great if you could post a video of the project you realised with help of the video wall tool in this gallery.
michiel, 12 years ago
Thanks, Michiel.
Really you should be charging extra for this tool - it's effectively a template creator, so it should maybe be a BixPack product.
I would certainly pay for access to it - especially if you added a few extra features and options.
Maybe a few other users would help out by suggesting some additional features or ways that they would like to use it.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Here's a quick example of what can be done with this tool.
I just generated the show as a "Flat" and added some animations to the individual pictures.
The video wall tool creates the wall already nicely spaced out, so by just animating the images (position, transparency, or whatever), you can easily have a show that "builds" the wall.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Some nice additional features for this tool might be
* images to appear after time delay (x seconds)
* images appearance order (left to right, top to bottom, random, etc)
* different images ratios for alternating rows (for portrait and landscape, or other image dimensions)
* user-definable camera position
* reflection on/off
Hopefully some other users will give some feedback on what features would be useful to them, and help you gain an insight into what would be the best way forward for this tool.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Can you make option to not have images linked.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
I made a slideshow using the online generator: outerspace-software.com...
In what way I can now change all textures?
Bragina, 12 years ago
The EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES... dialog does not show online pictures.
The solution is simple: save you show with FILE > SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES...
michiel, 12 years ago
Yes, I understand that.
When I press File / Save show + all media files, in a folder with the project only appear bt file and folder "Effects", but not folder "Textures".
When I press F9 all images have following path: dir: f: \ photos \ all_00041.jpg[n]
Bragina, 12 years ago
Aha, I think I now understand what you are trying to do!
Try this:
-keep the FULL PATH OF A LOCAL PICTURE field empty
-save the generated show with FILE > SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES...
michiel, 12 years ago
Thank you for posting your videos. Excellent feedback!
We have big plans for the videowall/slideshow tool. If you have requests, suggestions or remarks please post them on this page. Also don't be afraid of posting your videos as new articles.
michiel, 12 years ago
Hi Michiel
I like the sound of "big plans for the videowall/slideshow tool"
Do you think that it might be possible to do something similar for "containers"?
A "container" might hold an image and one (or more) text layers - something like that.
I realise that a "container" is much more complex than a plain image ...
... but I can wish ... and ask ...
... and maybe you'll come up with something.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Videos look exciting!
I guess that's why they call it a videowall and not a picturewall :)
michiel, 12 years ago
i think i need to ensure i am selecting the full path for my images, then see how it works - will try again later tonight ! thanks all ;-)
GlenFranklin, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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