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Pixelpanther | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 2.1K views

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Hi Michiel,

Since you were working on 3D object stuff, I ran across an interesting problem exporting from Wings 3D (which is actually really nice to use and fast for modelling). It appears to use a different co-ordinate system on export to directX, causing objects to be flipped on the X axis, mirrored if you will, as opposed to how they were designed when bringing in to BT. Is this because of a co-ordinate system difference or am I mistaken? and is there a fix or workaround.

The bit I really don't understand is that the model imports and shows fine in other programs such as Lithunwrap, Bryce etc and the axis is correct. Of course you don't see the issue with symmetrical models, but this one has me perplexed and I've tried making several from scratch, same deal.

Indeed if anyone has a clue, please let me know.

Thanks & regards Bob

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Maybe this info helps:

michiel, 10 years ago

Thanks Michiel, that is a workaround, and I can now confim it does the job. I did look at that before and I was just trying it as you mentioned. Will be nice if we can get other 3D import options, I know it has been mentioned and I'll look forward to the new versions as they come. Just keeps getting better :)

BTW If anyone is thinking about doing this, DON'T do your UV Mapping before you scale the axis on X at -100% and then invert. It looks kinda interesting, but rather abstract..... lol

Again thanks Michiel for the prompt response that makes Blufftitler a piece of software which is a cut above the rest! Great support...

Pixelpanther, 10 years ago

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