Pixelpanther | 5 years ago | 11 comments | 10 likes | 1.3K views
vincent, PAT67, persiana and 7 others like this!
Another little fun BT promo featuring the recently added and very popular control panel.
Shape for rover created using Bixangelo and revolved in BT then advanced fx added (Colour/Normalmap/Reflectionmap) with texture. Duplicated with a scanline fx added to create a forcefield type effect.
Small particles for lights attached, a scroller, text, plasma background and some camera bloom along with overhauser spline movement and of course the Bix logo to finish off the show.
Enjoy, regards to all - Bob
Realize that you can create similar shapes by using the HORIZONTALLY REVOLVED style in a text layer with the letter C.
michiel, 5 years ago
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. So much talent here in the community and the creativity which BluffTitler inspires.
Hard to believe what it is now compared to the beginnings, thanks to Michiel's vision for BT :)
Long may it be so....
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
28 articles 47.6K views
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