Pixelpanther | 6 years ago | 12 comments | 13 likes | 2.3K views
Dani, Grooves, Franco Aversa and 10 others like this!
Hello again BT Peeps,
Thought I would share a little show which allows you to make scattered debris at a very low CPU/GPU cost. The theory goes like this....
Make a few text layers with random long strings of characters.
Set explosion and jumble values on text layers high.
Motion camera 'through' your debris field. (Spline motions work best for smooth anim)
You'll see how it works and I've left it bare bones for you to experiment with. Try adding plasma, add decoration, change the text sizes and layer values, camera focus etc etc - there is a lot you can do and it's a simple but effective way to get space junk ;)
Above all - have fun - Long Live Bluff!
snafu, 6 years ago
Thank you very much PP.... having to run an errand, will check it out as quick as I get home! LOL
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
Thanks everyone, hope you have fun trying out the technique. More to come when I have a few moments :-) best regards to you all.
Pixelpanther, 6 years ago
28 articles 47.6K views
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