Pixelpanther | 5 years ago | 16 comments | 7 likes | 1.2K views
liuyongcai, Ulli, maggico and 4 others like this!
Making use of the new VJ dialog and perhaps giving Bix a much needed day out in the process ;)
Music by me - Magic stuff by BT ;)
Regards to all
Great job Bob. And yes new VJ offers so many possibilities that it will take some time to tame
vincent, 5 years ago
I'm seeing major YouTube compression on this - anyone else notice serious artefacts when it gets busy?
May try a re-upload.
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
I have already noticed this with some of my videos, Youtube does not like fast movements and fast flashes.
vincent, 5 years ago
Quand on va dans les paramètres de Youtube en bas à droite j'ai réglé la vitesse sur -2
et là tout est parfait.Vincent tu as raison Youtube déteste les mouvements saccadés.
Beau travail Bob
PAT67, 5 years ago
I like it, BOB. It's full of life!
To try with speed variations it's really nice.
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago
Merci PAT67
Il est étrange que Facebook semble maintenant gérer la résolution HD, mais YouTube a toujours des problèmes comme le dit Vincent.
Merci pour les conseils, devra essayer.
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
Thanks Alex-Raymond T.
I think I've spent more time recently on BT than in real life... still, I like the people here better than the real world, not to mention the endless possibilities of Bluff ;)
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
If people think they can benefit from it and if Michiel has no objections as obviously it uses Bix and the flares from BT along with a few of my own bits, I'm quite happy to make this show available to the community via dropbox or similar (ZIP is about 5 meg including music track which is in m4a format)
The Music track is mine so that wouldn't be an issue as anyone is welcome to use those in the BT community (I don't promise they are great or to anyone's taste but search on soundcloud for pixelpanther and you'll find a few more)
Hope you all have a good day!
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
Love the show, Bix too he's going through the roof!
Filip, 5 years ago
Magnifique ! Bravo Pixelpanther
maggico, 5 years ago
28 articles 46.5K views
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