NextPreviousHomeBluffTitler - Always Impressive

Pixelpanther | 5 years ago | 15 comments | 12 likes | 1.5K views

PAT67, komies, Ulli and 9 others like this!

Hi Bluff Peeps,

Been a while since I have been active on the community, but following a serious accident back in July 2019, and a pretty rough year for the rest of it I kinda lost heart with a lot of stuff.

A recent project for a friend of mine got my rusty Bluff skills back in action though, so I thought I'd post a little bit of what I do with the excellent BT!

Particularly impressive is what you can do when you design your own logo with Bluff in mind, allowing you to make use of software such as materialise to make normal maps, Bixorama for reflection maps and software such as ShotCut to nail things together (as was used for this demo reel).

BixAngelo is on my purchase list too (the only reason I haven't yet is because I know I'll spend loads of time designing roller coasters (amongst finding out all its other tricks!) and I need to get some work done before I do ;)

Enjoying experimenting with BT again, there is simply nothing else like it. If you're reading this and haven't purchased it yet - my recommendation could not be high enough - you'll never regret it.

And for those wondering - this is all on an old i5 4440 rig with just a feeble 1GB Radeon R250 (I haven't been able to afford to upgrade in a good while due to being out of action, and subsequently out of work!) So impressive results can be obtained without the Lamborghini price tag of a system too.

If anyone has any questions I'm always happy to help where I can.

Thanks to all the members of the group for your enjoyable community posts and to Michiel and the team for software that makes you smile every time you run it :)

Kindest regards,



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Thanks for the post and hope you are on the mend ok.

SMSgtRod, 5 years ago

Thanks SMSgtRod, a few scars to add to my beautiful appearance (LOL) but otherwise pretty lucky and good to be still around :)

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

Nice ! Bob, I wish you a better 2020 year, BluffTilter is therapy, BluffTitler is great.

vincent, 5 years ago

Thanks Vincent :) it has certainly kept me busy and I'm once again enjoying the ride :) always seem to find something new - that's the beauty of Bluff.

Your work pushing pixels around in bluff is always inspiring as are many in the community. Long may it be so :)

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago


Am I seeing the new Kaleidoscope effect at 0:32?

michiel, 5 years ago

You are indeed Michiel!

It's a fantastic addition to the BT effects - I love it, a big thank you for consistently pushing BT's capabilities!

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

Belle palette des possibilités offertes par BluffTitler

PAT67, 5 years ago

un trabajo extraordinario Pixelpanther
Me alegro de que estés de vuelta y recuperado

persiana, 5 years ago

Nice editing, Bob!
May 2020 and BT bring you Joy, Health and Serenity.

Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago

Merci PAT67, BluffTitler est fabuleux

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

gracias Persiana, me alegro de verte una vez más aquí mi amigo. mis mejores deseos para ti.

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

Thank You Alex-Raymond T and best wishes to you.

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

Love your work nice to have you active among us. The love of BluffTitler brings us together in this community.

Filip, 5 years ago

Very beautiful show and all the best wishes to you, Bob!

Ulli, 5 years ago

Thank You Filip - I'm honoured to be amongst some very creative people again!

Thanks Ulli - appreciate it, nice to be back :)

Pixelpanther, 5 years ago

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