Decentralized | a year ago | 7 comments | 10 likes | 415 views
gato@mo, shoji M, LostBoyz and 7 others like this!
Consumer Poison - Cancer
-Made another music video for a friends band.
He plays all the instruments, that's why the band is all the same person.
The video is actually 3 videos combined.
2 band scenes, and 1 hallway scene.
Edited together in CapCut (standalone), and used some effects in that, transitions and stuff.
Actually also one with subtitles, his request:
That's a VERY powerful music video. The hallway scene is nightmarish. The happy dancing doctor freaked me out: when the musicians take their job seriously while the doctors (and food industry!) mess things up you know something went horribly wrong.
michiel, a year ago
Always so creative and talented, you did a fantastic job for your friends band. I love all the parts.
vincent, a year ago