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Decentralized | 2 years ago | 8 comments | 9 likes | 832 views

Tintin, IntroChamp, Ulli and 6 others like this!

As I'm sure everyone has realized by now that you can still move GLB models around even if they're animated already. Like this astronaut floats and moves a bit by itself, but I can still make his arm move, hand wave, and head turn. Same with the spider monster. It's animated, but you can move it's legs. mouth, tongue, etc

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Yes, I've already done animations like this, leaving the basic animation and overlapping further movements.

Franco Aversa, 2 years ago

Nice show, it seems there is an unexpected passenger!

vincent, 2 years ago

The rotating object in the centre is the most alienating one. And probably also the most dangerous one 😧

michiel, 2 years ago

Great atmosphere. Yeah, adding keyframed animation on top of to the built-in is one of the best features.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Creepy space horor. And yes I've been using this animation options! Thnx.

Filip, 2 years ago

Cool atmosphere, cool show :)

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Great cyber show.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Surprenant et spectaculaire

PAT67, 2 years ago

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