NextPreviousHomeGone Fishing (V16 Beta)

Decentralized | 2 years ago | 8 comments | 8 likes | 724 views

Tintin, Lightsmith, vincent and 5 others like this!

Container attached to models' joint experiment. Video largely inspired by the BT community. If you have a school of fish, you can attached more fish to them by adding a container to the school of fish animated model. Then add another fish to that container, and then move the container's model joint to which fish in the school you want your added fish to behave like, and then move that fish off of the one it's attached to, so they don't over lap. I hope that makes sense.
Shark has attached water in it's mouth.

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Un remake des dents de la mer, façon BluffTitler. Super Décentralisé.

le beau jojo, 2 years ago

That's amazing. Great to see all the layers interacting with each other!!!

michiel, 2 years ago


lightads, 2 years ago

Great test!

Ulli, 2 years ago

Be careful not to fall into the water because then it would be the fisherman that would become the bait. Nice show!

vincent, 2 years ago

That's a whole movie. Great work! And thanks for the really useful tips.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Excellent conceptualization. Thumbs up!

Lightsmith, 2 years ago

Spectaculaire surtout la fin

PAT67, 2 years ago

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