Decentralized | 2 years ago | 9 comments | 14 likes | 583 views
michiel, Omer, Kanon and 11 others like this!
Model was made with Ready Player Me
Walking animation done in Mixamo
I shrunk the body, leaving only the head, of the standard Ready Player Me Model. So I could have him sing.
And I shrunk the head of the aminated walking version of the same model.
super bien fait et le personnage avec ses cheveux longs va très bien avec la musique.
le beau jojo, 2 years ago
Great idea.
Filip, 2 years ago
I really like your surealist shows, nice tips too!
And with this accessory we get Frank Zappa.
vincent, 2 years ago
Excellent work Decentralized!
I think Ready Player Me is as proud as we are. Don't forget to mention them in your YouTube description, I'm sure they'll pick it up that way.
Not sure how to reach Boston, but they should be as proud!
michiel, 2 years ago