amiga | 2 years ago | 2 comments | 404 views
Hi Michiel and all you BT artists!
I’ve been playing around with some old gallery downloads, and found a few that I think don’t work correctly with the latest version of BT. It may just be that there’s a newer Effect file that does the same under a different name, but I can’t find it and could really use some help!
The first show is Shiny Decorations by Michiel, from 16 years ago…
I think the old FX effect has been replaced by “V11_ReflectionMappedDecorations.cfx”, but for the life of me I can’t get it to work like the original gallery posting. I’ve even tried the show using a really old version of BT and the original FX file, but it still won’t show as described either way. Does anyone know how to achieve this effect?
The next show is Lost Pixels Filter Effect, again by Michiel from 15 years ago…
It uses the old FX file LostPixels.fx to simulate random digital noise to textures, and I can’t find any current CFX to replace it with the same results. Is there something that already does this, or can I request it be added?
The last show is Designed Pixels, another show by Michiel from 16 years ago…
This show pixelizes a texture (the first), using DesignPixel.fx, with each pixel rendered using the second texture. While I see a lot of pixel rendering effects in the current version of BT, I can’t find one that uses the second texture as the rendering source.
And finally, I have in my archive an old fx file called Fingers.fx. The description is "This effect pixelizes the first texture. Every pixel is rendered as a frame of the second texture. The second texture must be a filmstrip. The frame depends on the brightness of the first texture." I think it may be a lot like DesignPixel.fx, but with animation using filmstrips.
I really appreciate any help or advice on finding solutions to these shows and fx files.
Thanks you all so much!
The 3 downloads have been updated to work with the latest version.
You might have to clear your browser cache to prevent it continues to present the old downloads.
For the Shiny decorations, make sure to install the latest beta:
And for the Designed Pixels, place the included Squares.cfx in the BluffTitler\Media\Effects\Filters folder.
michiel, 2 years ago
Unbelievable! Michiel, you are the greatest! I’m amazed at how quickly you answer questions and how hard you work on improving this already great program! Thank you!
But, at risk of being greedy, if you find yourself bored at all, and are willing, can you please add a few features to the Squares.cfx effect to make it more like old DesignPixel.fx and/or Fingers.fx?
Those two old FX effects use the second texture to render the pixels instead of just using simple squares. The latter, (fingers) allowed the use of a filmstrip in the second texture to animate the pixel rendering too.
Even if you aren’t able to recreate this, thank you so much for what you have done! I’m forever grateful for you providing me endless hours of “tinkering” around with my hobby!
amiga, 2 years ago