NextPreviousHomeSmiley Face - Ready for animating

amiga | 3 years ago | 2 comments | 9 likes | 777 views

LostBoyz, PAT67, michiel and 6 others like this!

I'm sure there are way better ways to start, but if anyone wants to take this on for animation, feel free!

I was inspired by the conversation between Vincent & Aki, but this attempt just about taps me out for skills! I tried to keep it simple using only White.png in various picture layers. No other texture maps, or native shapes.

Have fun! And a slight correction Filip, BluffTitler is SIX stars out of FIVE! ;-)

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Nicely done!

Notice the z-fight between layers 9 and 10. This can easily be fixed by moving one of the layers a bit.

michiel, 3 years ago


I tried the show you provided.
As a result, I still can't image in 3D.
When I rotated the camera, the eye layer was separated from the face layer. Hahaha

Adding movement to this makes it even more difficult.

However, it's a lot of fun to try different things with BT.

Thank you for your goodwill

aki, 3 years ago

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