NextPreviousHomeHow do you rate BluffTitler? (inspired by Aki)

Filip | 2 years ago | 11 comments | 8 likes | 773 views

MrGruntHunter, liuyongcai, Tintin and 5 others like this!

The question of Aki ( ) got me thinking and I played with BT. And look what came out!

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Thank you Filip, 5 stars for YOU! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

michiel, 2 years ago

I give BT 10 stars and a "thumbs up" for you, Filip.

Ulli, 2 years ago


There are many great BT specialists in this community that I am aiming for.
You are one of them.

aki, 2 years ago


vincent, 2 years ago

@ Vincent

Did you create it in BT?

aki, 2 years ago

Aki, no i didn't, but you are right it would be possible (with patience) to do this with BT then export to GIF format using FFMPEG encoder. Actually I retrieved this GIF on a site but I really don't remember which one. There are specific tools to create GIFs but in any case to create such a gif there is a lot of work upstream to prepare the successive images (of the face).

vincent, 2 years ago

Thnx, Michiel, Ulli, Aki and Vincent.
Love the sotware and the community.

Filip, 2 years ago

@ Vincent

Thank you for your reply.
I don't really like animated GIFs because they do a lot of work for me.
This GIF animation is very cute.
Fortunately, amiga gave me some tips for creating with BT.

I enjoy BT.

aki, 2 years ago

Aki, yes, it is very well done, i think it is done by pros, on the other hand, what is a pity is that the background is not transparent.

vincent, 2 years ago

@ Vincent

The cutout is a bit rough, but the background is transparent because the selections haven't been carefully processed.

By the way, this GIF was created with 45 layers.
I can't patiently draw 45 pictures, so I still want to be able to use BT well.

aki, 2 years ago

The cutout is very good in my opinion I failed to get better.

vincent, 2 years ago

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