Alex-Raymond T. | 2 years ago | 13 comments | 11 likes | 936 views
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Happy Holidays to all and best wishes for 2023.
I may be a little early, but it's to share some tips on the latest wonderful properties of version I make the media file available, but the editing will only be complete with that of the BixPack 18 and the purchase of the Deer anime on Sketchfab. See the instructions included in the download. I would have liked to avoid both parts, but I think my old PC, which is running out of steam a lot, would have given up the ghost!
Here is what I discovered (which will not surprise Michiel of course!):
“Glow” effect:
• Do not hesitate to use keyframes on the camera layer to modify the intensity which must be variable depending on the lighting of the environment and the effect you want.
• A small embarrassment in the individual adjustment of the effect of several objects of the same scene. They don't all react the same way and you have to find an average setting using the camera layer.
• A particular effect of the negative value of the intensity of the glow: the beautiful effect following the outline of the fir trees of the scene where the sled is stopped is due to a value of -1 of the intensity of the FX Glow of the camera.
• Effect to be used sparingly sometimes. Interesting for overall artistic improvement, it can be harmful in particular cases. For example, this effect is only interesting in the first half of the show for the crew, Santa Claus + Deer + sled. This is why you will find two “Driving” animations for Santa Claus (one with and one without).
Ambient Occlusion:
• Do not hesitate to force the values beyond the interval set by the boxes of each slider, to evaluate the best setting. This effect emphasizes the forms according to the environment and gives more reality.
Animation :
• For the conversion of Mixamo FBX animations to GLB, I use Blender in series, and I don't know by what chance, I found some of the animations in the same file, hence the usefulness of the 1st slider. This is very practical, but it complicates the understanding a little and is sometimes a source of error.
Animation speed:
• Think well in certain cases, to use the keyframes with the 1st cursor at 0, and the 2nd at the chosen animation position, the speed of the animation will depend on the time-distance between the 2 Keyframes (case of the Deer which brakes before the sled stops).
Colormap layer:
• This is just a reminder of the usefulness of the colourmap layer, which reflects the scene in the front of the Chalet.
Link for video card in French on my family channel:
Good edits and be well!
Nice animation, great camera work.
Filip, 2 years ago
Powerful use of the GLB animations. I think the moment when the snowmen come to life (0.55) is magical. Thank you very much for the extensive documentation!
And it's never too early: Merry Christmas & Happy 2023!
michiel, 2 years ago
Wow, Santa is quite a driver and a dancer! Great dynamic show and the twist at the end is fantastic. Merry Christmas.
Thor5ten, 2 years ago
Quel travail !!! Superbe réalisation Raymond, merci pour les fichiers, joyeux Noël par avance. Par contre mon PC transpire un peu pour lire le show.
vincent, 2 years ago
Wow, what an awesome, wonderful show. I like the snowmen.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
Ulli, 2 years ago
Superbe spectacle. Merci pour toutes ces explications et toutes ces vidéo que tu as posté durant cette année pour la communauté. Joyeux noël et bonne année.
le beau jojo, 2 years ago
Que bonito trabajo... Alex.
Felices fiestas para ti.
EDWIN, 2 years ago
Merci Alex-Raymond T pour ce partage.
Eddy, 2 years ago
Merci les Amis, merci à tous et bonne continaution ! Joyeuses Fêtes.
Thank you Friends, thank you all and good luck! Happy Holidays.
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
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