NextPreviousHomeLa Mythique Route 70

Alex-Raymond T. | 4 years ago | 15 comments | 10 likes | 1.3K views

Ulli, komies, cheyenne and 7 others like this!

Extrait de la vidéo comique d'anniversaire de 70 ans d'un ami proche, fan de camping-car. Certaines séquences floutées par anonymat.
Remerciements à Communauté BT pour le partage en général et en particulier à Vincent pour son show partagé "Road painting" et ses nombreux conseils.
Ce n'est pas encore parfait, mais ça s'améliore....

Excerpt from the 70th birthday comic video of a close friend, motorhome fan. Some sequences blurred by anonymity.
Thanks to the BT Community for sharing in general and in particular to Vincent for his shared show "Road painting" and his many tips.
It's not perfect yet, but it's getting better ...

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Great result. The balloons, interior views and dialogs add a lot of depth to your video!

Congratulations Alex-Raymond!

michiel, 4 years ago

Un bonito y precioso show. Alex

persiana, 4 years ago


Jesus, 4 years ago

Joli! peut-être croiseras-tu MrGruntHunter au cours d'une ballade.

vincent, 4 years ago

Very nice show.

lightads, 4 years ago

Is this show available? I'm looking for an intro something like this.

lightads, 4 years ago

Beau voyage et grandiose panorama,le tout est bien rythmé ,et plein d'innovations dans ta création.
Bravo Raymond

PAT67, 4 years ago

Bravo l'ami Raymond ! Encore une superbe réalisation.

maggico, 4 years ago

Thank you all for your kind comments. For Media files, just enough time to translate in english and check the copyrights.

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

In this lock down time thank you for taking out ..beautiful journey Alex-Raymond..

Dani, 4 years ago

Neat Show Alex. Was it hard to keep on the right side of the road? ;-) LOL I love your hot air balloons. We were there for just an afternoon but will be going back to the International Balloon Fiesta this Fall, hopefully it doesn't get cancelled.
We saw the Big Bird Balloon while we were there. I like how you even included the burners firing. Great project.

MrGruntHunter, 4 years ago

Le montage est réalisé avec les éléments de la version Ultimate de BT, ce qui entraine une présentation légèrement différente, que vous pourrez agrémenter à votre convenance avec vos éléments personnels. Les éléments supplémentaires sont libres de droit.
Les 3 caméras incluses dans le montage donneront 3 films, l’une en vue globale, la 2e en vue de face du motor-home, la 3e depuis l’intérieur du motor-home en s’aidant de la photo à fond transparent de l’intérieur de la cabine dans le dossier texture.
Ensuite, vous découperez les films et les accorderez sur votre NLE, à votre convenance.
Ma récompense est que vous appréciez ce show.

The assembly is carried out with the elements of the Ultimate version of BT, which leads to a slightly different presentation, which you can decorate at your convenience with your personal elements. Additional elements are free of rights.
The 3 cameras included in the montage will give 3 films, one in overall view, the 2nd in front view of the motor home, the 3rd from inside the motor home with the help of the photo with transparent background of inside the cabin in the texture folder.
Then, you will cut the films and tune them on your NLE, at your convenience.
My reward is that you enjoy this show.

Media files:

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Merci beaucoup Raymond, beau travail!

vincent, 4 years ago

Really wonderful.
I love the passengers.

Ulli, 4 years ago

A big thank you for the media files.

lightads, 4 years ago

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Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:

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