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Alex-Raymond T. | 3 years ago | 10 comments | 9 likes | 917 views

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Démonstration d'utilisation d'objet 3D en fichier ".obj" sur BluffTitler, avec le nouveau style
"Not Aligned". Les Calques containers pour la cinématique sont montés manuellement en cascades comme indiqué par Vincent précédemment.

Dans cet essai, la trajectoire de l'avion a été gelée pour pouvoir apprécier la cinématique du train d'atterrissage.
Les "Strobe Lights"ont été réalisées avec des calques particules.
La transparence des vitres sont un mélange de Colourmap/Cubemap.
A noter que les phares d'atterrissage sont coupés lors de la rentrée de train et que les roues sont tournantes.
Voilà quelques pistes, et il ne reste plus qu'à placer ce montage de modèle en situation...

Lien pour obtenir le média files (26.4 Mo):

Demonstration of use of 3D object in ".obj" file on BluffTitler, with the new style
"Not Aligned". The container layers for the kinematics are mounted manually in cascades as indicated by Vincent previously.

In this test, the trajectory of the airplane was frozen in order to be able to assess the kinematics of the landing gear.
The "Strobe Lights" were made with particle layers.
The transparency of the glasses are a mixture of Colourmap / Cubemap.
Note that the landing lights are switched off when the gear is retracted and that the wheels are rotating.

Here are some ideas, and all that remains is to place this assembly of a model in a situation ...

Link to get the media files (26.4 Mo):

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Super, et merci pour les fichiers, avec les différentes vues on croirait une démo de Flight Simulator. Encore bravo !!!

vincent, 3 years ago

Great .Thank you for sharing

chaver, 3 years ago

Great show ! Thank you Alex-Raymond T.!

LostBoyz, 3 years ago

Thank you all for your kind comments.
@Vincent: This demo is quite archaic compared to Flight Simulator, but the variety of shows offered by the Community proves the Universality of BluffTitler. Thank you again to Michiel and his team.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago


Have you tried attaching the plane to a sketch layer? I think this way you can easily make the plane perform all kinds of cool maneuvers. The sketch layer can be made invisible with the Invisible effect.

Bixelangelo has an Immelmann turn element that is an avionics term:

michiel, 3 years ago

Molto bello e interessante. Grazie per la condivisione

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Grazie nonnogio e la condivisione è con grande piacere.
@ Michiel: I have already used Bixelangelo with a glider ( ), but this time I didn't have the courage to put the plane in a situation (I'm getting slower and slower ... 🧓🙄😪).
And thank you for reminding me of the "immelman turn" which allows a turnaround by vertical turn.
To be continued...

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Wonderful, thanks a lot for sharing!

Ulli, 3 years ago

Looks great. Good job on the landing gear! Thnx for sharing

Filip, 3 years ago

@ Ulli & Filip: Thanks for your feedback.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

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Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:

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