Alex-Raymond T. | 4 years ago | 15 comments | 12 likes | 1.8K views
persiana, Tintin, michiel and 9 others like this!
Un petit cadeau de Pâques, à un inclure dans les montages si vous en avez besoin... et un peu de baume au cœur en ces moments difficiles...
A décorer suivant vos désirs.
A small Easter gift, to include in the montages if you need it ... and a little balm in the heart in these difficult times ...
To decorate according to your wishes.
The show asks for Ring 2.eps, which seems to be missing from the download.
But the bells look great, even without this file!
Excellent use of the EPS layer and the VJ dialog. Thank you and a Happy Easter!
michiel, 4 years ago
Here, it is corrected, at least I think so. I thought Ring 2.eps was part of the basic eps. Sorry.
Happy Easter everyone.
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago
Elles sont très réussies ces cloches fabriquées maison.Merci pour la distribution et Joyeuses Pâques
PAT67, 4 years ago
Yes, it's working now, thank you!
Interesting to see how you can make the bells rounder by switching from low to normal and high quality! (menu items SETTINGS > LOW/NORMAL/HIGH QUALITY)
michiel, 4 years ago
Yes Michiel, it's like in reality, the transition from the raw state to the finished state. For information, the PACCARD foundries, a large supplier of all kinds of bells, are located around fifty kilometers away.
Note also that I slightly shifted the 3 bells containers of 1000 ms so that they do not beat together.
Thank you Patrick, Cheyenne and Vincent for your comments.
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago
thanks great show
julio solano, 4 years ago
Merci Alex pour ce partage.
Eddy, 4 years ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
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