Alex-Raymond T. | 2 years ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 1.0K views
Decentralized, maggico, MrGruntHunter and 6 others like this!
Un exercice sur l'Auto Rolling Wheel de BlufftTitler appliqué au rover Perseverance. Ce n’est pas parfait mais assez démonstratif quand même !
An exercise on BluffTitler's Auto Rolling Wheel applied to the Perseverance rover. It's not perfect, but quite demonstrative all the same!
Great work, love the suspension!
Filip, 2 years ago
Super, c'est vrai que le mouvement des suspensions est super réaliste. Bravo et merci Raymond.
vincent, 2 years ago
You did it! Congratulations to your successful journey to Mars and a well done show. Thanks for the download.
Thor5ten, 2 years ago
Ouah ! Magnifique !!! Bravo l'ami.
Un grand merci pour le partage
maggico, 2 years ago
Ottimo lavoro, grazie per la condivisione
nonnogio, 2 years ago
Very nice, thank you for the download!
I am only missing a bit of shadow, which can help with realism.
michiel, 2 years ago
Thank you all for your enthusiasm in your comments.
Thanks to Michiel for the little touch to improve realism, I added it..
I would have liked to have a more varied trajectory than a straight line, but to have independent wheels I cannot use a container. I don't know if there is a solution...
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
138 articles 148.8K views
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