NextPreviousHomeSanta's sleigh & reindeer. GLB

Alex-Raymond T. | 10 hours ago | 3 comments | 4 likes | 66 views

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Hi all,
Christmas is coming and with the new features of BT in GLB animated export, I have remastered my Santa's sleigh with the reindeer.
On request, I attach the media file with some explanations, but it is quite complex :
Hope this helps.
Here is the link to the animation file in GLB:

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Thank you for a very useful model!

The beauty of the exported model is that it hides all the complexity: it only takes a single model layer to render it perfectly!

The downside is that nobody notices/respects your hard work. For example the trick of using text layers to construct the sleigh reins and arms 😉👍

michiel, 9 hours ago

Great model!

Filip, 7 hours ago

Thank you, Alex. It's awesome!

Decentralized, 2 hours ago

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