Alex-Raymond T. | 5 years ago | 10 comments | 9 likes | 1.4K views
komies, Ulli, Tintin and 6 others like this!
A new launcher built with only BT is being tested. Bix can't wait to try it ... And You ?
Due to the lack of space in the media files, for it to work perfectly, you must download the audio at the link,and place it in the textures folder:
Note: the decoration is somewhat outdated due to the desire to share the media files. The show was only performed with elements of BT ULTIMATE and some personal elements free of rights (EPS and rocket texture).
It's up to you to use your imagination to improve and personalize your show.
excellent and good work, thanks for sharing.
Jesus, 5 years ago
Wouah Raymond elle magnifique cette fusée de Tintin.
Belle idée l'affichage des 3 caméras et merci d'avoir partagé ta réalisation.
PAT67, 5 years ago
En effet, belle construction tintinesque , et en plus, elle vole. Bravo et merci ART.
vincent, 5 years ago
Love it Alex. Thnx for sharing
Filip, 5 years ago
Thank you all for your friendly comments and good flights through the BluffTitler space!
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
138 articles 148.8K views
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