Jesus | 4 years ago | 6 comments | 906 views
I want to do some dynamic content texts for a video ending accrediting the characters that participated in the show event.
If this is a one-off video, it's much easier to type the names in the textbox. Maybe this installer show can get you started;
Using XML only makes sense if you have to render the very same video multiple times, only with different names. Have you already read this info:
michiel, 4 years ago
Here is a show you can download with a simple text replacement. Just edit the content/hackerman.xml file with notepad.
komies, 4 years ago
Michiel and Komies, very good idea of both, I have successfully done my project. Thank you.
Jesus, 4 years ago
Michiel, the dynamic content, I have replaced it with the notebook but in Blufftitler show it has a detail does not read the letter Ñ that we use here in Mexico, can you see a way to solve it? Thank you.
Jesus, 4 years ago
The character set of your XML file must match the character set of your text layer.
My guess is that your XML file uses UTF-8. Choose MEDIA > Change font... to set your text layer to UTF-8.
michiel, 4 years ago
Thank you very much Michiel, I changed character map to UTF-8, and correct solution. Detail that I do not know.
Jesus, 4 years ago
contact in email.
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