IntroChamp | 5 years ago | 9 comments | 2 likes | 1.0K views
I am try to switch between cameras using the active camera property. Only one camera renders.
I am not trying to render multiple view ports... the goal is to turn one camera off and the other on during the render.
I set one camera to 0 and the other to 1, then do the opposite... thinking that the camera that is set to 1 will render and the camera that is set to 0 will not render.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Hello Vincent and thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Unfortunately, I tested komies instructions and they didn't work out for me.
Would it be possible for you to make me a very simple show? I would be grateful :) ~Joel
IntroChamp, 5 years ago
Let me guess you still have the viewports visible!
The viewports disappear when you render the video.
"Active camera
Up to 4 cameras can be rendered at the same time, all in their own viewport. If the Active camera property is set to 0, all cameras as exported in the video.
If this property is set to 1 or higher, only this camera is exported. By animating this property, you can easily switch between shots during the animation."
I have send the modified rollercoaster 03 show to your videointros emailaccount.
komies, 5 years ago
Alex, you are a jewel in this community! Thank you for going the extra mile for me :)
IntroChamp, 5 years ago
Hi Joel, I just woke up and I see that Alex (as usual) did the job, thanks to him and good tests to you. A Super Like for Alex !
vincent, 5 years ago
@Komies Which Rollercoaster 03 show? One of them changes the camera angle quickly by putting position keys almost on top of each other.
I do have Rollercoaster Pack.
lightads, 5 years ago
Lightads asked this:
OK thanks I see it now.
With the Rollercoaster Pack 22, show HammerheadTurn3, it simulates a switching cameras by putting the camera position key almost on top of each other. Good technique.
Question, How do you get the keys so close to each other?
Answer, Just type it in the current time box, the third 0 is a thousand of a second and finding them you do with the Previous and Next key.
Alternatively you can give the layer the "No Animation" from the Physics Dropdown so every key and therefore the settings under that key stand on there own without tweening from one key to the next.
komies, 5 years ago
Thanks Vincent and Alex! I'm good now!
For anyone struggling with my particular dilema, I will explain...
The confusing part for me was that I was switching between two cameras that had different effects... one had the TiltShift.cfx and the other had the Shaker.cfx. Otherwise, the animations for the two cameras were the exact same.
What I realized when switching cameras is that both cameras inherit the first cameras effect and the effect from the second camera is ignored.
This is why I couldn't see a difference when switching. I was simply trying to change the effect by using two different cameras... since a camera can only have one effect.
Perhaps in the future, Michiel can create a camera that accommodates more than one effect.
Thanks again for helping guys :) ~Joel
IntroChamp, 5 years ago
Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".
His video template website makes it TOTALLY EASY for you to create AFFORDABLE, visually dynamic VIDEO INTROS in Minutes.
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