IntroChamp | 2 years ago | 15 comments | 12 likes | 702 views

LostBoyz, chaver, michiel and 9 others like this!

Still working on my character animation process.

Custom characters/animation - created in Character Creator 4 ---Brought to life in Blufftitler 16

블러프타이틀러 만세!

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Looks really good so far.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

Great progress. Thanks for keeping us informed of your proceedings.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Very interesting. Thanks.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Fantastic show Joel!

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Très beau spectacle. Mais on voudrait savoir si le monsieur va tomber ?

le beau jojo, 2 years ago


chaver, 2 years ago


liuyongcai, 2 years ago

Nice cinematic camera work.

Would love to learn more about the 2 characters in the next episode!

michiel, 2 years ago

Great! I've been wrestling also wit CC4.

Filip, 2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback guys!

Michiel, I'm happy that you noticed the camera work. I really love the camera in Bluff! I'd like to request a possible camera upgrade so that more than 1 effect can be applied. For instance, if I wanted to apply bloom and depth of field... or tilt/shift. I don't know what's involved with such a feat, but I thought I would ask ;)

Filip, hang in there with CC4. The learning curve is a bit steep, but I think the juice is worth the squeeze :)

IntroChamp, 2 years ago

Introchamp, effects (.cfx files) contain shaders, which are little apps that run on your graphics card. It's technically impossible to mix them, just like you can't mix .exe files. So this requires a new effect. Thank you for your requests!

The effects you mention are all very expensive (meaning: heavily use your graphics hardware and reducing the framerate by doing so). Please do not forget the standard camera layer props like COLOUR and COLOUR INTENSITY. They are very cheap and are able to blow up the output and take colouring to the next level. Don't be afraid of using values outside the slider range.

michiel, 2 years ago

Michiel, thank you, I always learn something from your explanations. Striking the right balance is what makes BT a favorite.

IntroChamp, 2 years ago

Super Joel, now you are ready to be a game creator.

vincent, 2 years ago

I'm waiting for the second episode.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Très bien

PAT67, 2 years ago

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Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".

His video template website makes it TOTALLY EASY for you to create AFFORDABLE, visually dynamic VIDEO INTROS in Minutes.

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