IntroChamp | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 8 likes | 2.8K views
vincent, maxste, liuyongcai and 5 others like this!
This post is a response to STBO's request for information about creating a progress bar.
See original request link below.
Wow - thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It is exactly what I needed.
Could you explain please what the 'FX Clip plane position' is controlling? I see by altering the values appears to move teh progress bar?
Thank you again.
Fantastic forum.
stbo, 9 years ago
Hello stbo! Think of the Clip effect as a moving mask, revealing whole or part of the masked object.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Thank you again.
stbo, 9 years ago
Thank you to share your work with others.
snafu, 9 years ago
Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".
His video template website makes it TOTALLY EASY for you to create AFFORDABLE, visually dynamic VIDEO INTROS in Minutes.
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