IntroChamp | 9 years ago | 13 comments | 6 likes | 2.5K views
liuyongcai, LostBoyz, Ulli and 3 others like this!
Hello Filip,
Here is your pepernoot model as per your earlier thread.
I would have posted it there, but I could not upload the zip file as a post reply.
I hope this works for you :) ~Joel
I wanted to make you aware of a few issues in Blufftitler while creating this show. Turning on shadows shows the triangles in the model which is undesirable. Also, using displacement breaks apart the model.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Thank you to show others your skills!!!!!!!
snafu, 9 years ago
For the shadow you can use your own trick, use an eps (revolved) set to transparant in the same container and now it will cast the shadow, set in layer / active layer propeties / Never generate shadows for the model (x)
For the displacement map: replace black with dark grey, black is the deepest, this means all the way trough and therefore you can see the background.
komies, 9 years ago
Thank you Dani and snafu!
In a model like this, the texture map is the most important factor. I created this model in Rhino 3D using box mapping for the texture. I created the texture in Photoshop. I could tweak the texture forever, but it's important to draw a finish line.
I wanted to use the displacement.cfx to really pus the texture in Bluff, but it breaks apart the model which is undesirable.
Thank you again guys! ~Joel
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Hello Komies, looks like our posts crossed. Thank you for your input.
Yes, the shadow trick is great, but it won't allow for casting shadows from one object to the next which is what I desired.
Also, the displacement breaks the model apart despite using values less than black. I hope that Michiel will address this concern.
Komies, thanks!
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Thanks Introchamp i shall studie this carefully.
Everybody else thanks for the tips and tricks
Filip, 9 years ago
You're welcome Filip! You'll find that this is a very simple BT show... a model with 1 texture map. The texture map is the most important part... it gives the illusion of relief on the models surface.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
IntroChamp, gaps appear when you use displacementmapping because the model has UV discontinuities. It's difficult to see with the ic_pepernootTexture.jpg texture, but when you apply Bricks.jpg, that comes with the installer, you can see it clearly.
michiel, 9 years ago
Thank you for your response Michiel. I will do some experimenting... perhaps there is an issue when I convert to DirectX.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".
His video template website makes it TOTALLY EASY for you to create AFFORDABLE, visually dynamic VIDEO INTROS in Minutes.
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